Thursday, July 14, 2011

Enzyme Therapy For Dark Skin

Often times my skin seems to be too sensitive for the more aggressive treatments available, such as AHAs and BHAs.  I mean, they work, but sometimes I can’t use them every single day.  In my attempts to care for my sensitive dark skin, I’ve started searching for alternatives to glycolic and salicylic acids.  My research has led me to the proteolytic enzymes papain and bromelain.


Papayas are not only delicious, but apparently the sap from the stem can exfoliate the skin.  Papayas contain the enzyme papain.  Papain is an enzyme that breaks down proteins and therefore has the ability to dissolve dead skin cells.  This fact has been known for many years and that’s why it’s often found in meat tenderizers.  Papain reduces inflammation, dissolves scar tissue, gently exfoliates skin, and adds moisture as it exfoliates.   It does contain latex, so those with latex allergies should not use it.  


Bromelain is another proteolytic enzyme and it is found in pineapples.  It was first isolated from pineapples in the 1800’s and was used to reduce inflammation.  Some studies have shown that it reduces swelling from insect bites and stings.  This leads me to believe that it would also be beneficial for acne since acne is inflammation.  It’s also a wonderful exfoliant.  In fact, it was often used to remove damaged skin from burn victims. Just imagine what it can do for you.   

Both enzymes seem to exfoliate without the irritation associated with chemical peels.  Sounds like a win-win situation to me!  I plan to use an enzyme peel once a week and will report the findings.

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